The offer is simple, if you buy a new Windows 7 PC from the Microsoft Store starting June 2nd, you will be offered a Windows 8 Pro upgrade for $14.99, which includes more features, compare to the regular Windows 8 edition, including: Windows Media Center and DVD playback support. Still unclear if the offer will only be available for customers who purchase a new PC at the Microsoft Store or with other big retailers as well, like Best Buy, Staples, Newegg, etc. One thing is certain, with this program Microsoft plans to stimulate PC sales and don’t make consumers who are planning to purchase a new PC wait until Windows 8 comes out. The promotion will be available in 131 countries and on many retail stores, and for those customers who enter to the Windows 8 upgrade program through the Microsoft Store will also be getting free training to get to know the new operating system. Moreover, the software giant will be handing out $20 gift cards for those willing to participate at one of its planned training. This means that if you take advantage of the offer, you technically will be getting Windows 8 Pro for free. For more information visit this Microsoft Press Release What do you think about this offer? [poll id=”33″] Source The Verge

Update Jun. 06, 2012

Starting today Microsoft is allowing customers to register to get notify when the Windows Upgrade Offer becomes available (soon) — All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.