The new system is codename “Asimov” (another reference for Halo) and it’s a feedback mechanism that will allow Microsoft to track in real-time the operating system usage from customer’s computers. The Operating Systems Team is currently implementing the system, but it was originally designed by the Xbox Team. With Asimov, Microsoft will be able to efficiently track user feedback, test new features, track bugs and push out fixes and new functionality a lot quicker. This new mechanism will also help to reduce deployments time for test builds from three to six months to almost a month. All with the goal in mind to make sure the operating system meets user expectations. SEE ALSO: ‘Windows as a Service’: how does it fit in Windows 9 (Threshold) According to a new report from Mary Jo Foley, it’s still unclear if Microsoft will actually discuss this new implementation during Windows 9 briefing event, as the company will focus on showing new changes that they will offer, in particular to enterprise customers. Source ZDNet All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.