Bing is not stranger to Apple, the search engine is the search intelligences of Siri for iOS, and OS X Yosemite uses Bing to deliver results on Spotlight. On the other hand, Yahoo recently scored big by becoming the default search engine on Firefox. Now Yahoo feels more confident and hopes to convince Apple to choose them over Microsoft. Despite the fact that many users will switch the default search back to Google, many will keep the default settings impacting the search market in favor of Yahoo or Bing. For years Apple has been trying to distance from Google. Once Apple discontinued Google Maps as their default map service, YouTube no longer ships in iOS, and now Safari may get another default search engine. Even though, it will be hard for Apple, Yahoo, and Microsoft to convince users that any other search engine is better than Google. Source The Information via The Verge | image source flickr All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.