The extension adds a new icon next to the address bar, which when you click, it will display the information of the song that is currently playing; you can also thumb-up or thumb-down your songs, and like most applications that let you control music, you have the ability to play/pause, go to the previous and to the next song, plus the option to shuffle and loop your songs. Better Music Beta also integrates feature that when is enabled and you click the heart icon, the extension scrobbles your songs letting you publicly show the song you like. Other features includes: Playlist switching, Desktop notification (toasts) when the song changes, mini-player and more. The only downside that I have found in this extension is that you need to open a new tab, log in to your Google Music Beta account and choose from MY LIBRARY what you want to listen before hitting the play button in the Better Music Beta extension, and if you close the tab your song will stop playing. The developers of this Google Chrome extension are promising more improvement in the near future, so this might get fixed along with the addition of new features. This new music service from Google is currently available in the U.S.A and is by invitation only. But if you are into music streaming services and you happen to have an account to Google Music Beta, this is an extension that you should give a try. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.