In the social network site, some results might feature a thumbs-up that when hovering over will display which of your Facebook friends has liked the result. Many options such as search history, news and others now can be found by going to the MORE link. From there you can get access to social search, finance, translator, travel and other Bing services as well.

Cosmetic tweaks wasn’t the only thing in this update, there are also improvements under the hood, Microsoft has tweaked Bing search relevance and page-load is now much faster. The new design is simple and easier to use like the mighty of search, Google. But you’ll notice that the result page looks much cleaner that the one from the competition. I just wish both Bing and Google would have an option to center the results page, the one column on the left can make a little annoying when using a widescreen high-resolution display, which also leaves a big white empty space on the right side — just a thought. So how to you like Microsoft’s search engine now? Source Bing blog All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.