Now with Chrome 17 web pages load faster, when you start typing a URL in the omnibox (a.k.a address bar), Chrome will auto-complete the page that you are most likely to visit and then will start pre-render the web page, that way it appears that it load much faster, almost instantly — in some cases.  More security comes with the Google Chrome version 17 new capability to scan certain executable files, e.g., “.exe” and “.msi” files, and it will notify you if the file is known to be malicious. Miscellaneous changes included in this release:

The “+” sign in the new tab button has disappeared from the web browser. There a redesigned Print stage. History has also been redesigned and it also includes the ability to remove individual links from the list or get more related links.

If you like to read more about Google Chrome 17.0.963.46 m , you can visit the official Google Chrome Blog. To get the update, click the Wrench icon in the top-right corner of your screen > select About Google Chrome > click the Update Now button, or another way is to download the latest build of the web browser from the official site.

Download Google Chrome Review all the changes on version 17

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