As you know, Xbox One received a ton of updates this year. In fact Microsoft delivered over a hundred of new visual changes and over one thousand under the hood changes. One of them includes a new feature to allow you to set any image as your dashboard background using the Xbox Media Player app. Below I’m listing a few Christmas wallpapers you can use. Download them into a USB drive, then connect the USB drive into your Xbox One, launch the Media Player app, browse for the file, click the menu button (next to (X)), and choose “Set as background”. Images no longer available. You can always find more great Christmas related backgrounds from the Bing image gallery page. It’s worth noting that you can view GIF images, so you can find fireplace GIFs to display on your Xbox One, though you cannot set a GIF image as background. Alternatively if you’re looking to display a fireplace video from YouTube use the YouTube app from Xbox One. Finally, once you set the background, you can go change your current dashboard color to red to match the color of the holiday. To do this, simply press the menu button, select Settings, navigate to My Xbox, My Color, and select the red color scheme. Now your Xbox One is ready for Christmas. If you have any other great Christmas background, please share it in the comments below. Enjoy! All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.