It seems that the social network giant has been testing a new chat application for quiet some time, but until recently it was just limited to some users. With Facebook’s Messenger users will now be able to chat, check notifications and get access to the news ticker feed without the need of a web browser, and it is only available for Windows 7. The application is pretty simple to install, use, and there are not settings to configure; just install and log in. It does not take advantage of Windows 7’s pining feature, it comes with a really nice dock feature that will snap the app on the right-hand side of your screen that stays visible at all times. If you chat with multiple people, each time you start a new conversation a new tab at the bottom of the chat window will be created for easy navigation, pretty much like Google Chrome tabs. Apparently Facebook Messenger wasn’t supposed to be released just yet, but after an article published by TechIT which revealed the download link last Thursday, Facebook had not choice that to make it official and release the application.  Because this application still in trial, bugs and lose of connectivity with the application are expected. Also the company has noted that chatting with a group of friends and video calling are not yet supported. If you like to learn more about the release of this new application visit the Facebook Help Center.

Facebook Messenger direct download link 

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