There isn’t an official  changelog just yet, however what we know for sure is that Firefox 19 brings the so-awaited built-in PDF viewer, among many bugs fixes and enhancements on HTML5, CSS, and startup performance improvements — for more information checkout the Firefox Beta Desktop Notes.  Keep in mind that this version of Mozilla’s software does not include the Firefox Metro for Windows 8, it is only the desktop version of the browser (The Metro style is currently found only in the Nightly build version 21). Updates since version 15 are automatic, as such there is no need to hunt down the new version, unless, of course, you want to try it before anyone else. But if you are just moving to this web browser, keep checking  to download the latest build as it becomes available, and the Google Play Store to download the mobile version of the browser. Update: Firefox 19, the final stable version, is now officially available and you can download it at You can find a list with all the new changes at the official Firefox Notes. As we previously mentioned, version 19 most noticeable change is the addition of the new PDF viewer, which Mozilla says was included to simplify users from having to install extra plugins, that in most cases will be from a closed source code “that could potentially expose users to security vulnerabilities.” And because is based on standard HTML5 APIs, the new feature can also run on many platforms and form factor. This latest build also brings some changes and enhancements for Android, and adds more support for ARMv6. All the changes are listed here.  Via TNW All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.