Windows 8 is set to change the way we use computers today, with many new features and enhancements that make easier to get things done. One of the new features in Windows 8 is the ability to use a Microsoft account — Windows Live ID or typically your Live email address — to create your account in the operating system, leaving the traditional local account as a secondary option. The key benefit using a Microsoft account is the ability to synchronize many of the user’s settings and data among PCs. The issue, though, comes when you need to maintain consistence interoperability in a home network with Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP or other versions; problems may occur and you need to be prepared to deal with them or you can avoid them with a couple of tips.

Windows 8 and HomeGroup

HomeGroup is a piece of Microsoft network technology that you can use to share files and printers with other Windows PCs around the house. This technology will still be supported in the upcoming version of Windows, and it is the easiest way to share and access content in a home network. To configure Homegroup in Windows 8, follow these steps:

  1. Use the  +I keyboard shortcut, and then click More PC Settings.

  2. From PC settings, select HomeGroup and type the password to join. The password can be found in the main computer. If the main computer is running Windows 7 or Windows 8, go to Control Panel, type homegroup in the search box, then click HomeGroup and finally click View or print the homegroup password.

  3. When Windows 8 finishes making all the necessary changes, swipe from left-to-right the options on the right-hand side to enable the content that you want to share on the network, e.g., Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, Printers and devices, or Media devices to allow TVs and game consoles to play content from your computer.

  4. To browse the network shared content, open Windows Explorer and from the right, click Homegroup — Don’t use the Network link –. A difference from the Network link, Homegroup will list the shared content by user and not by computer.

Windows 8 and sharing content with previous versions

What I just showed you was the simplest method to share content in the network with Windows 8 and Windows 7 PCs. In the case you need share and access content in your home network with other versions of Microsoft’s operating systems, the traditional Windows file sharing is the way to go. Now you should use the Network link from the Windows Explorer from the menu on the right to access the share folders.

Now just browse the network to access shared content and be ready to enter the username and password to gain access.

How to share a folder on Windows 8 [Bonus]

If this is your first time-sharing a folder on a network with Windows 8, follow these steps to accomplish the task. The process in Windows 8 is pretty similar to Windows 7, once you are done the content will not only be available for Windows 8 and 7, but also on Windows XP and other versions:

  1. Create a folder in a location that you’ll remember, e.g., in C:\ or external drive, or in the Desktop.

  2. Right-click the folder, select Properties, then navigate to the Sharing tab and click the Share button.

  3. Choose the people you want to share the folder with. For a quick way to share content, you can use the Everyone group, this will allow granted access to all users. Type everyone, click Add and from the right, choose the permission level of Read or Read/Write. When you are done, simply click Share and then Done. If you are sharing a folder that is located at the root of the drive C:, in an external drive or in different partition, you are done by the end of step #3. However, if you are sharing a folder from a system location, e.g., Desktop, Documents, Music, etc., you’ll need to go through a couple more steps, because Windows requires you to change the folder permissions in these circumstances:

  4. From the Sharing tab, click Advanced Sharing and then check Share this folder. From this setting’s window, you can also change the name of the shared folder, set the simultaneous number of users that can access the folder, and more importantly you can click the Permissions button, and change the Share Permissions for groups and users in the system.

  5. When you are finished making your changes, don’t forget to apply, click OK and Close to finish sharing the new folder. To access the newly shared folder, go to another computer, open Windows Explorer and from the menu on the right, click Network and double-click the computer with the content you want to access. That’s all there is to it! All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.