Facebook Desktop is a free app for Adobe Air platform that allows you to have all your Facebook updates with almost not delay, and in pop-ups alerts that will automatically fade-out after some time. This app also allows to post Facebook updates to your wall right from the System-tray with just one click to the app icon, without having the need to start the web browser, load the page, login into Facebook, and then post your update. The down side is that if you want to reply to one of your friend’s updates, you need to double-click the pop-up, and you will be redirected to Facebook page where you can complete the reply, but over all it is a great app. These are all the things you can do with Facebook Desktop:

Get messenger-style notifications when new items get posted to your feed. Pause and resume updates when you want. Modify which notifications you want to receive. Stay up-to-date with your friends in real-time!

Note Facebook Desktop app is also available for Linux and Mac, check the download link below to learn more. Useful Links

Download Facebook Desktop for Adobe Air Visit Facebook Desktop page too!

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