Now, Facebook is not longer offering the button to enable Timeline, but this doesn’t mean that the clock stop ticking. Really soon you will receive a notification atop of your profile when Timeline has arrived to your account. Facebook is going to give users 7 days to do a house clean — Yeah! This is the moment to take down pictures that you don’t want everyone to see or post that you don’t want everyone to read — before the new profile gets automatically published. This grace period will apply for users who activate Timeline and those whose accounts are activated automatically. In that one week that you have to prepare your new profile, you should visit our previous articles — Facebook Timeline: Top 11 essentials things you need to know and look up for and Facebook Timeline is available now whether you like it or not – Getting started guide!— to get some advice about hiding embarrassing pictures and comments from your Timeline. So, why Facebook is putting a ticking clock on this new feature? According to an article published by Mashable, Facebook has a lot of pressure to prove app partners that this is a platform that developers can build on. And that they are as much relevant as other platforms such as Windows, Apple or Android.    Also Facebook execs believe that the time to act is now. Google+ is already gaining terrain in the social network space and it seems that Facebook is getting worry about it. So, the company has to get users to spend more time in its social network, if this doesn’t happen they will start sharing somewhere else. And for those people who don’t like Facebook Timeline, this is the time to think on pulling out and look for another alternative social network or just live with it. Do you think that there are other reasons for the company to force the deployment of Timeline? Tell us what you think in the comments below. [poll id=”27″] All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.