The two main features about this service is to send and receive faxes, and legally sign documents and fill out forms. The service works this way: Upload (drag & drop is also supported) or create a document to the service, insert the fax number, add your signature, that you previously configured, and your document will then be sent to is destination. When you receive a fax, HelloFax will get it in your behave and forward it to your email as a PDF file format — Great, right? You also have a Google Chrome extension, which will add the HelloFax functionality to your web browser and integration with Google Drive. Once you installed and launch the extension, you can fax and sign documents from your Google Drive. Additionally it will create folders to keep things organized. To learn a little more watch the video:

Here is the little catch though, HelloFax is free up to 5 pages of fax, then you’ll need to pay 99 cents per fax — Still not too bad. If you don’t fax everyday this can be very convenient, in the other hand if you have a business, you may consider using one of their plans. Oh! When you invite a friend through the service, you’ll get an additional 5 free page and your friend will them too.

Download HelloFax – Free Online Faxing & Signing

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