WordPress IRC is a chat room that anybody can join and have a conversation with tons of people, from beginners to advanced WordPress users, that can help you to answer your WordPress support questions or they can recommend where to find the answer you are looking for. You can also just get in the chat and talk all you want about WordPress, or if you understand WordPress you can help other people with their questions. The first step to get to the WordPress IRC chat room is to get and install an IRC client software for your operating system; you can easily find one from the list that WordPress.org has created. Then, you need to connect to the IRC server chat.freenode.net with the channel #wordpress;this channel is good to find support for all your WordPress related questions, and of course questions about plugins and theme development are well received. Other great channels are: #wordpress-dev, which is a channel to talk about WordPress core code development; #wordpress.com, this is a channel to find support for your blog on WordPress.com, and more channels can be found at this page. Tips: When you enter to any of the IRC channels that offers support for WordPress, always: use the channels responsibly, BE PATIENT, be polite, chat with people, address to the person you are getting help from by its name, don’t be afraid to ask anything that you don’t understand, be cordial to other people who want to chat with you, and be a role model. If there are a lot of people in the chat room, your question may get over looked, so re-type your question in 10 minutes intervals, and keep in mind that not every question gets answered! Note: Volunteers are the ones running the WordPress IRC channel, so it could be possible that sometimes nobody will be at the chat room, in this case you may want to try the WordPress support forum.

Learn more about IRC (Internet Relay Chat) at http://www.irchelp.org/

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