Isolating the session prevent the social network from connecting any data about you and your online habits that can be used to target you with advertisement and learn more about you. If you’re a Firefox user, you can download the addon from the Mozilla repository. Once installed, the extension deletes any Facebook browsing data and logs you out of the social network. The next time you open Facebook a blue-colored tab will be created, then you can start using the social network normally and non-Facebook link you click will load outside the contained tab, but any Facebook link will open within the isolated container. The extension comes out as a result of the Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica fiasco where the company was able to improperly gather information from more than 87 million users. While the extension wouldn’t have prevented Cambridge Analytica from getting your information, it’ll help to reduce the ways Facebook can track your activities even if you’re logged out of the social network. It’s worth noting that Firefox already includes a private browsing mode that prevents online services from tracking your activities and blocks ads. However, the Facebook Container extension makes things a little easier to use the platform along with other tabs without having to worry the company tracking your every move. If you’re fed up with Facebook, you can use this guide to properly delete your account, and you can use this webpage to find out if Cambridge Analytica got your data.

Facebook Container extension | Download at Mozilla

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