Users have been reporting problems and errors with this feature in web browsers like, for example, it keeps trying to call someone even though you are not, set up error, etc. That’s why here I put together some simple troubleshooting steps that you can use to get Video Calling working again:

How to the cache on Google Chrome and Firefox

How to clear browsing data from Google Chrome How to clear the cache in Firefox 4 [Bonus]

How to Clear Internet Explorer cache

Open Internet Options, in the General tab, and click Delete. In the Delete Browsing History, leave Preserve Favorites website data uncheck, then check Temporary Internet Files, Cookies, History, Download History, and ActiveX Filtering and Tracking Protection data. Finally click Delete, OK and restart IE.

How to clear Opera cache

Click on the Opera button, select Settings and click Delete Private Data. Then just click Delete and restart the web browser.

Here’s one more thing you can try

Lastly, if none of the above worked, you should try to uninstall Facebook Video Calling — refer to this guide to uninstall and install once again –, also clear the web browser cache one more time, and test.

Fixing Facebook Video Calling errors

There are also times where users will get the Error 1603: Fatal Error During Installation, and the only way to fix this issue is by uninstalling and re-installing the Facebook Video Calling plugin. If when uninstalling you get the error code 2738, it’s because there are some Windows registry keys that were not uninstalled correctly, in this case you could use an uninstaller software like Uninstaller 7 — Note that you don’t need to enter your email address to download the software –. When you do the install on Uninstaller 7, uncheck the install of toolbars and other stuff. You can use this software for a short period of time, but it is more than enough to fix the error problem. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.