Microsoft Office 365 – Connect and collaborate virtually anywhere, anytime (ISBN 9780735656949), is a book authored by Katherine Murray. This eBook is over 300 pages with 13 chapters organized in three parts: Part I — Finding your place in the Cloud, Part II — Teamwork in the Cloud, and Part III — Connecting in real-time.  This great book explains from the basics of how to collaborate using Office 365 to how to team up and work together with other people using the Cloud, and finally how to integrate all together in this Microsoft service. Some of the topic include:

Set up your Office 365 site, manage access, and add mobile devices Create, edit, and share documents Share calendar, files, and updates from your team site Manage email, contacts, and appointments using Outlook Web App Always connected — Learn instant messaging, social media, voice and chat Create a website to share information with customers Use work-flows to collectively track project tasks and progress

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