We all know that Windows 8 is suffering from slow adoption and many customers keep choosing Windows 7 instead, because it’s a more familiar operating system. Windows 9 (or whatever the new name might be) is set to fix the Windows 8 shortcoming by making the software more user-friendly, but to get current users to the latest platform the company may have to waive the upgrade cost. During the meeting, where the statement was made, there was no mention of Windows XP, Windows 7, or Vista being part of the update deal to move to Windows 9. However the rumor still stand that Microsoft may offer some sort of promotion for users with an older operating system, like the company did with Windows 8. It’ll be interesting to see if Redmond actually makes Windows 9 a free upgrade for all major operating system, as the company new vision is to get every user possible using Microsoft services, more than just getting customers to buy new PCs. Offering the operating system as a free to upgrade for older versions will help the company to get everyone to the latest platform and it will get many more customers using their services too. SEE ALSO: Microsoft to give “Windows 9″ a new name The software giant is expected to unveil the next version of Windows and a new name next Tuesday, September 30th, during a 1-hour briefing event in San Francisco. There the company will discuss the changes they are making to win back enterprise customers; we’ll know then when the public will be able download the early bits, but pricing may not the one of topics. Source Detik All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.