Recently the software giant built a giant Surface 2 in London to promote its new tablet. Now Microsoft seems to be doing the same thing to promote the next-gen game console that goes on sale on November 22nd. According to Xbox Canada website, gamers can pledge their gamertags at this special Xbox One Source page or in person (see the address at the end of the article), the more users pledge their tags the sooner the giant console replica will unlock. What’s inside? That’s something TBA, but you can expect something “special”.

The 40-feet long and 20-feet wide, giant Xbox One is located at 1001 Seymour St, Vancouver BC, V6B, Canada (at the corner of Nelson & Seymour street) and if you happen to live close by, it should be definitely something worth checking out.

Update: Mystery solved! The giant Xbox One contained… A lot of zombies. Source Xbox Canada via XboxOneInCanada All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.