No doubt that Windows 8 is a major shift since the first true graphical users interface operating system, Windows 95, and even though that for the end-user most features remain the same, there are many new features that you just may not even know exist. They could make you more productive at home and at work, and this is what the book is about:


The book covers all the basic features in Windows 8 including:

Start screen Restart/Shutdown Categorize your Start screen Turn On/Off the Live Tiles Creating a Picture Password Closing an application Disable Start up applications Uninstall an App Remove Internet Explorer 10 Refresh Your PC

This book is aimed for beginners and although it may not give you a full and deep understanding on the new OS, it will give you a handful of tips that can get you started quick. Source ‏@AWSOMEDEVSIGNER All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.