Today the search giant has unveiled a few news updates to plus that continues to improve user experience in this young social network and that many users will find very compelling to use the service even more. Let’s get right to them:

Turn the stream volume up or down

If you often miss post updates from your family, because they get bury with frequent updates from friends, you can now dial-up the family circle and make your friends updates less relevant. The company explained that you can fine-tune your circle’s volume to “graphic-equalize” in the stream.

Google+ notification bar redesigned

In the past it was really hard to figure out what the new content showing up in the Google’s navigation bar was about; moving forward the new redesigned promise to improve visibility and legibility of each new notification. 

Better photo experience

There are two main improvements in the way you view photos in plus. The company has redesigned the Lightbox with new improved navigation, better comment and better utility. And they are also implementing a new photo-tagging experience.

New features in Google+ Pages

Finally, Google has added new features to pages:

Users can now delegate up to 50 people to manage the page as admins. A new notification flow for admins to be involved and in complete control on what is going on in the page. Google+ Pages now displays aggregated count of users that interact with the page.

These new changes that Google is announcing are being rolled out slowly, so keep checking your profile until you see them. Because of all the changes going on in Facebook, are you considering switching to Google+? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks! All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.