Furthermore Chrome 11 comes with a tweaked and updated Webkit and V8 JavaScript engine that improves the browser performance. There is also the introduction in this beta release for support of GPU-accelerated 3D CSS, feature that will enable developers to create and apply 3D CSS effects to Websites. If you are already using a beta version of Chrome you will be updated automatically and if you are planning to upgrade follow this link to download Chrome 11. One last thing that I would like to point out is that HTML5 Speech Recognition is not enabled by default, you will have to try running Google Chrome with a special flag — –enable-speech-input that you can apply to the shortcut that launches Google Chrome. To do this in Windows the easiest way is to right-click a Chrome 11 shortcut, select Properties, next to Target: go to the end of the line, and after \chrome.exe add one space and paste — –enable-speech-input command like is shown in the image below, to finish click Apply and OK. Last restart Google Chrome 11 beta and now speech input should be enabled.

Source Google Chrome Blog Mar. 25, 2011 Update Useful Links

Speechify enables HTML5 speech-to-text for Google Chrome 11

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