Chrome 12 is now capable of detect and warn you before downloading malicious files. According to the giant of search this new feature was designed in such way that malicious files can be detected without  having to know the URL you visited or the files you downloaded. In this new version you will find that you have more control over the data that websites store on your computer, including Flash Player’s Local Shared Objects (LSOs), directly from Chrome 12 eliminating the need to go to the website’s settings to configure it. On new graphics, this new release of Google Chrome 12 comes with support for hardware-accelerated 3D CSS, which enables you to get a more responsive experience in some web pages and apps that implement the new 3D effect. You can try this Chrome Experiment to see some of the new cool features in action. In other improvements, Google Chrome 12 has several minor of them, like now you are able to search Chrome Apps directly from the address bar and an improved interface for setting a homepage. Google Chrome 12 is ready for download at Like always Chrome users will be automatically updated to the latest version as the updates are roll out, which could take up to a couple of days. Source Google Chrome Blog All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.