This is how to configure open tabs and search engines:

  1.  While in Google Chrome, in the address bar type chrome://flags

  2.  Scroll down and look for Open Tabs and Search Engines and click the Enable link on both.

  3.  Restart Google Chrome and in the address type chrome://settings/personal. Now, if you are already syncing with Chrome just click on Customize and check to sync Open Tabs and Search Engines. If you never used sync before, click the Set Up Sync button, enter your Google credentials, then click Advanced and select what to sync. While testing this new feature in Google Chrome version 15.0.874.106 everything seems to worked fine, however in the second try I have some trouble logging in with my Google account, I do hope you have better luck. But still, this is a really useful feature that is handy in many scenarios, as you know you cannot save your Chrome session, now with this feature if, for example, you need to restart your computer, you can do it without losing what you are working on. Or it happened to me many time that the web browser crashes and when it relaunched, it is unable to restore opened tabs, now you won’t have that problem anymore. Or just simply if work at your office and when you are back home you can continue your work. And if you create custom search engines you can take them with you any where as well. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.