Until recently, Google+ Hangouts was only possible between computers and mobile devices, but today things are shifting, Google just added a new feature that allows Google+ users to use Hangouts to make phone calls to the US and Canada — for now–, even more you don’t need to register for anything special or add any cell phone number or anything, it just works! So if you’re excited to make your first free voice call, here are the easy steps on how to do it:

  1. First visit the Hangouts with extras page, install the plugin if you haven’t done so, and click the Start Hangout button.

  2. Click the Invite button, navigate to the Phone tab and type the phone number for the new participant.

  3. Then just click the Call now button to start the call.

Just note that you won’t be able to get all the Google+ Hangouts features, but look on the bright side, FREE PHONE CALLS anywhere in the US and Canada, plus you can do this alongside video chatting with other people in the Google+ Hangouts. For quite some time now smartphones were able to do hangouts with the mobile app, but this is really interesting because now video isn’t essential and this new feature will make many people who are not in Google+ may be get an account, and this is something that Google needs. Also this just might be the easiest and cheapest way to hold a meeting, even with people who are not in front of their computers.    All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.