The device can easily connect to many devices around the house, including thermostats, cameras, wireless speakers, smart lightbulbs and appliances, and much more. Physically, it’s a small cylinder shape device without any visible buttons with a microphone array at the top and speakers sitting at the base. Also, you can customize the device with different shells to match the decoration of the room. You can access music from any music service like Spotify by just asking Google, or you can also send music from your Android phone or iPhone using Google Cast. In addition, through Chromecast support, you can also connect with other speakers in your home without complicated setups. Through the same technology, the new home assistant also brings multi-room playback support, so you can add one or more Google Home devices to a group of speakers and really blast your favorite songs, or you can always tell Home to play music on a specific room. Controlling video is also supported in Google Home, just ask the device and the video will seamlessly start playing in the biggest screen in the house — that’s of course, if your TV is connected with a Chromecast device.

You can visit the official Google Home web page to signup and get notify when the device becomes available. Will you be considering getting a Google Home device? Tell us in the comments below. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.