It is pretty easy to notice if Instant Previews is enabled for you to use. Just look for a magnifying glass next to your search result, if not follow this link to try it out. To see Google Instant Previews in action, the user needs to hover with the mouse or click the magnifying glass for the snapshot to appear in the right hand side. Not for every search result, but accompanying the snapshot you will also be able to find a text call out, in orange, bringing up some text from the web page with your search term, that will help you to determine if that is what you are looking for. Google Instant Previews is not for speeding up terms look up, but rather help you to make a better decision on what you’re searching. From The Official Google Blog: Google is rolling out Instant Previews today, but it might take a few days to reach everyone. Also Instant Previews will be available in 40 languages.

Quickly compare results – A visual comparison of search results helps you pick the one that’s right for you. Quickly flip through previews to see which page looks best. Pinpoint relevant content – Text callouts, in orange, will sometimes highlight where your search terms appear on the webpage so you can evaluate if it’s what you’re looking for. Interact with the results page – Page previews let you see the layout of a webpage before clicking the search result. Looking for a chart, picture, map or list? See if you can spot one in the preview.”

Source The Official Google Blog Remember to leave your thoughts on what you think about Google Instant Previews. Thanks! All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.