Ignore vs. Block Ignore “Ignoring someone is basically saying you’re not interested. Maybe you don’t know them, or maybe you don’t want to see what they’re sharing.” Olga Wichrowska, one of the Google Plus engineers, said. Ignoring someone will result in three things: first, posts from that someone will be removed from your Incoming stream. Second, you will not longer receive his activities notifications. Third, and final, you won’t see people you ignore in your Circles page. The user is not notified that he/her has been ignored — important and cool.  Block If you just ignore someone, that person can still view your stream and comment on it. Blocking in the other hand will delete the person’s posts from your stream, remove him from your Circles and block him from viewing anything you post. To learn more how you can ignore or block someone in Google+ watch the video below.

It seems that this is a continued enforce from Google to give users even more control on how they interact with others. Facebook is the other player, who is also enhancing user control with the recent announcement on the new privacy changes, by giving users more control. Will you be using the new Ignore option in your Google+ profile? Be the first and tell us in the comments. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.