Social Search was first introduced on back in 2009 and it was designed to give a more personalized search result to users using data from your family, friends and other people across the Web. For example, if you are using Google to search for information about a place that you would like to go and somebody from your social world has tweeted, blogged, or discussed about that place, it will show up in your Google search results, changing the search results rank to be more relevant to you. Google also is able to gather information from other public networks connections and from Facebook as well — which if you noticed it was not mentioned anywhere, but it seem to be the case –. And remember that Social Search results will be only available when you are logged in to your Google account, and then Google with its secret algorithm will do the best effort to figure out whose opinions you may want to see in your results. Check out this video to learn more about Google Social Search:

Social Search is going to be available in the coming week and in about 19 languages, more languages should also be on the way. As you can see the Social Search model seems to be the next big thing on search and it is already happening, remember that Bing search engine has recently come out with its own Social Search by integrating Facebook in search results and also Google has introduced the Plus One (+1) feature that a lot of people are already trying out. Do you think that search engines are getting to deep into people private information? Be the first and leave us your comment with your thoughts. Source Google Social Web Blog All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.