However, Google Keyboard is not near as modern and amazing as the Microsoft’s Word Flow Keyboard for iPhone that also offers a one-handed mode, but with its unique “arc” design for an even easier reach of the keys. The company is rolling out the update slowly and it’ll reach out everyone through the Google Play Store. If you can’t wait for the update to arrive, you can download the APK from Once the update downloads on your phone, you simply press and hold the “,” key to bring up the options and tap the one-handed icon next to the gear icon on the left. Then Google Keyboard will reduce in size and you can easily position it to the left or right by typing the arrow. Alongside the new one-handed mode Google Keyboard brings a few extra features, such adjustable keyboard height, quicker access to emoji and the number pad, and gesture controls like delete words by swiping left from delete key, and control cursor with left and right swipe with the space bar.

Google Keyboard | Download from Google Play Store

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