The new tool was added to the Google Dashboard, right beneath your Account information, which seems to be created with the intention of getting more people to create Google Profiles, but it also encourages you to monitor stuff about you that made it to the public web and you may don’t eve know is there. Me On The Web makes managing your online identity easier, you can set up alters which will notify you if your email address or name are mentioned on the web — you were able to create this type of alerts before but now is simpler–, the tool also provides alerts with automatically suggestions search terms that you may want to consider monitoring. Me On The Web also provides a little more help with this new tool with resources such as, remove pages or sites from the search results and manage your online identity that it would be a great idea to check them out. “… your online identity is determined not only by what you post, but also by what others post about you — whether a mention in a blog post, a photo tag or a reply to a public status update. When someone searches for your name on a search engine like Google, the results that appear are a combination of information you’ve posted and information published by others.” Google explains.

Just remember that the catch to use Me On The Web is to have a Google Profile first (if you don’t already have one). Let us know thoughts about this new Google’s feature by leaving a comment. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.