I already went through the painless process of signing up and creating a Google+ Page and now I will walk you trough, so you can quickly create your own Page and start using this cool service. Once you set up your Google+ Page don’t forget to add us to your circle! Before we start, you may be asking: Why do we need Google+ Pages? For you, the user, it means that now you can get closer to your favorite bands, clothing line, or just start a conversation with a local business of yours. On the other hand, for businesses and brands, Google+ Pages is going to help to connect and listen to customers and fans. Well, doesn’t this look the same as what a Google+ profile do? Yes and no. While there are a lot of similarities, Google+ Pages is more enhanced for brands and businesses, it has additional tools like Measure to understand your page social influence, you cannot set your page as private, you are allowed to use any name in the page, you can create more than one Google+ Page and much more. OK now, let’s get you started.

Google+ Pages getting started: Sign Up and Create

  1.  The first thing you need to do to get started is to sign in to your Google account, then just go to http://google.com/+/business/. There you’ll find a short video, which I wouldn’t recommend watching because is just advertising and not useful information to get you set up and running.
  2.  Now you have to pick a category for your business. You can choose out of the following:

Local Business or Place, for example: hotels, restaurants, store, services, etc. Product or Brand, for example: apparel, electronics, financial services, cars, etc. Company, Institution or Organization, for example: non-profits, organizations, institutions, companies, etc. Arts, Entertainments or Sports, for example: TV, music, books, sports, films, shows, etc.

  1.  Next, fill out the form. Depending on the category your business is in you may have different sets of information that you need to provide. For example, in Product or Brand you can choose from: Website, Fashion and Beauty, Food and Beverages, Health, Software, etc. You then will need to specify who is suitable to view your Google+ Page. Don’t forget to agree to the terms and click the Create button.

  2.  In this step you are going to add a little more customization, you are going to decide your Tagline (use 10 words of less to best describe your new page) and set up a Profile photo (Here where a logo of your business is a great choice). Then click Continue.

  3.  Get the word out. In this step Google gives you the opportunity to let your circles in Google+ know about your new Google+ Page. Then just click Finish.

  4.  You’ve done it! This is your new Google+ Brand Page. Now start creating and sharing great content on your Page. A few things before you get started using your page, on the welcome page, Google will offer you a link to your Google+ Page that you can use to drive people to your page — it is a little disappointing that is just a bunch of numbers instead of a nice vanity URL, but it will have to do it for now, may be in the future the company will do the same as Facebook –. From the welcome page you can also generate a Google+ button (Google+ badge) to your website and other useful information, like how to switch between pages, etc.

Now it is you that need to start getting people and creating circles.

Share with Google+ Pages Promote with +1 button Measure your social reaction

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