Google’s new social network finally is out with many features that it will make you spend some time to really understand what each of them do, but they are not complicated. Let’s take a look at what they are. Google+ contains several different hubs or services: First is Circles, which let you divide people in your network allowing to have a better control who sees what, really ensuring that you are sharing content with the right group, so no more: “I hope my boss doesn’t see this!”. Second is Hangouts, this is a place to video chat with specific buddies or an entire circle (like a video conference call). Next, the third one, is Instant Upload, no more troubles getting your pictures and videos out of your phone and then upload and share them, with this service pictures and videos upload themselves automatically. Fourth is Sparks, and this is fun, this is a smart customized feed that aggregates content that it knows you like, so if you don’t have anything to do and anybody is in Hangouts, you will always have something to read, watch, or share. And finally there is Huddle, which let you do group messaging, so now you can easily have a text conversation in real-time with friends and/or family depending in how the Circles are configured by you. Now, are you getting excited? Down below is a playlist with 11 videos from YouTube showcasing everything you need to know about Google+, from a quick look to every service and configuration. So I hope you have about 15 minutes to watch them all. Additionally you should also take the tour that Google has released and get a glimpse (demo) to what is to come in Google+. Note for the YouTube Playlist: You can navigate between videos by clicking the right or left button located on the sides of the YouTube video, or by clicking the playlist button next to the play button.

If you are an Android user starting today you can get Google+ from the Android Market and the mobile web. For iPhone users, just wait a little longer, that is coming to the App Store. Google has said that this still in limited trial, “[…]so you may find some rough edges, and the project is by invitation only.” In the mean time tell us what do you think so far in the comments below and also take 5 seconds to answer the poll. Thanks! [poll id=”22″]Source Google+ Via The Official Google Blog All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.