So, what’s the alternative? aliases, this feature let you add additional email addresses to your primary inbox, which also uses the same contact list and account settings as your primary address. Below are the step-by-step instructions to add a new alias. 


  1. Head over to your Accounts settings page and sign-in.

  2. From the left pane, click Account aliases. This page will also let you change your primary email address as well as change or create new aliases.

  3. Click Add alias.

  4. Next, simply select the “Create a new email address and add it as an alias”, which also will give you the choice to select an address with, or Or you can select “Add an existing email address as a Microsoft account alias”, in which case you can use other providers like Gmail, Yahoo or AOL (as long as you didn’t already use the address to create a Microsoft account).

  5. Click Add alias and that’s pretty much all you have to do. alias pros

Alias feature also let change your primary address (although it’s recommended that you simple add new email addresses). You can sign-in to your account with any alias and the same main password. You can send and receive emails as each alias behaves as a different email account. You can add and remove aliases as you wish. When signed-in on different devices, such as your Windows 8 PC or Xbox, your primary address will be displayed regardless of the address you use to sing-in. You can create an alias using other providers like Gmail, AIM Mail, or Yahoo Plus (as long as you didn’t use the address to create a Microsoft account). You only need to remember one email address and one password. Junk mail will dramatically be reduced. Microsoft offers,, and service providers, which can help to get a specific name you want, if it’s taken in one particular service. alias cons

You can only have up to 10 aliases at a given time per account. Moving an email address and email to alias is a feature not yet supported (but it’s coming). If your account gets compromised, all your other addresses will get compromised as well.

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