Although you can store and manage network user information with Credential Manager, it’s also possible to use Command Prompt to add, remove, and view credentials. Usually, this will be helpful when you are building a script, or you are the type that is always working with commands. In this guide, you will learn the steps to add, remove, and view network user information from Credential Manager using Command Prompt on Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Add network credentials with Command Prompt Remove network credentials with Command Prompt View network credentials with Command Prompt

Add network credentials with Command Prompt

To use Command Prompt to add network credentials to Windows 11 or 10, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the user information will store in the Credential Manager. In the command, replace COMPUTER-OR-DOMAIN with the target computer, IP address, or domain, COMPUTER-OR-DOMAIN\USERNAME for the target device and username, and PASSWORD for the account password. This example creates an entry in Credential Manager for the “admin01” user available in the target computer:

Remove network credentials with Command Prompt

To remove a network user information from Credential Manager with Command Prompt, use these steps:

View network credentials with Command Prompt

To view all the network users stored in Credential Manager with Command Prompt, use these steps: In the command, replace COMPUTER-OR-DOMAIN for the name of the target computer, IP address, or domain storing the credentials. This example deletes the user credentials for the target device called “office-pc”: cmdkey remove command When using this command, you can also see the basic details, such as username, type, target device, etc. You can never view the password by design on Windows 11 or Windows 10.

In the command, replace COMPUTER-NAME for the name of the target computer, IP address, or domain storing the credentials. This example lists the entries for the target computer called “office-pc”:

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