The auto-elevate option is available on Windows Terminal version 1.13 and higher. To check the terminal version, use the wt -v command. If you have to update the app, use the winget upgrade –id Microsoft.WindowsTerminal.Preview command. If you don’t have the app, use the winget install –id Microsoft.WindowsTerminal.Preview command to install it. This guide will teach you the steps to always run PowerShell elevated when launching Windows Terminal.

Always open PowerShell as administrator Always open Windows Terminal as administrator

Always open PowerShell as administrator

To run PowerShell always as an administrator on Windows 11 or Windows 10, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, close the terminal, and when you reopen PowerShell, the console will open as admin. However, you will still need to confirm the elevation like any other app.

Enable always run as administrator option through JSON settings

To enable the elevation option in the JSON settings file, use these steps:

Always open Windows Terminal as administrator

To run all command consoles elevated through Windows Terminal, use these steps:

After you complete the steps, the next time you open Command Prompt, PowerShell, or any other command terminal, it will open elevated.

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