If the Network Attached Storage (NAS) box breaks or fails to boot, the config file can help to recover the system or quickly get up and running on another device, which is why it’s important to backup this information. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to backup and restore the config file on your FreeNAS server. In addition, we’ll look at the steps to reset the database containing the entire system configuration.

How to backup config file on FreeNAS How to restore config file on FreeNAS How to reset config file on FreeNAS

How to backup config file on FreeNAS

Use these steps to backup the config file on FreeNAS: Once you complete the steps, the configuration file will download in a “.tar” file. (You can open a .tar file on Windows 10 with these steps.) FreeNAS General settings page Backup configuration file on FreeNAS After the download, make sure to save the file in a secure location, as it’ll not only help you to recover your original configuration if you need to rebuild the NAS or move to another server, but it’s also a file that may contain the password secret seed to allow to decrypt system passwords. You should export a new configuration file every time you make changes to your NAS.

How to restore config file on FreeNAS

Use these steps to restore a config file on FreeNAS: After you complete the steps, the file will upload and replace any system configuration previously available on the FreeNAS box. FreeNAS General settings page, upload config option Restore config file FreeNAS

How to reset config file on FreeNAS

Use these steps to rest the current configuration database on FreeNAS: Once you complete the steps, all the system settings will reset to default state after the reboot. It’s like starting with FreeNAS from scratch. After resetting the configurations, you can re-apply the settings manually, or you can restore settings from a config backup file. FreeNAS General settings page, Reset config option Confirm FreeNAS configuration reset All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.