The Registry is an essential component of Windows, and it’s a hierarchical database that stores low-level settings of the OS and those applications designed to use this database. Typically, you should never make changes to the system database. However, sometimes, it might be necessary to fix problems or tweak settings that you couldn’t do any other way. If you plan to make system changes, Windows 11 includes at least two ways to backup and restore the Registry using System Restore and Registry Editor. In this guide, you will learn the steps to create a backup of the Windows 11 Registry. We’ll also look at the steps to recover the Registry from backup.

Backup registry using System Restore on Windows 11 Restore Registry backup using System Restore on Windows 11 Backup Registry using Registry Editor on Windows 11 Restore Registry backup using Registry Editor on Windows 11

Backup registry using System Restore on Windows 11

To create a backup of the Registry on Windows 11, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the system will create a restore point that includes system files, installed applications, system settings, and a backup of the Registry. Then you can use the same tool to restore your computer to a working condition.

Restore registry backup using System Restore on Windows 11

System Restore offers multiple ways to recover the Registry on Windows 11. If you have access to the desktop, you can restore the database to its previous state using the System Restore application. If you don’t have access to the desktop, you can use the recovery tool in Safe Mode or Advanced Startup settings. You can use these steps to start your computer in Safe Mode and then continue with the steps below. If you can’t start the device, use these instructions to access the Advanced startup environment. Then go to  Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > System Restore, and continue with step No. 4 below. To restore the Registry from backup, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the computer may need a reboot to finish restoring the backup.

Backup Registry using Registry Editor on Windows 11

To create a backup by exporting the Registry database, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, you will end up with a “.reg” file containing the Registry backup.

Restore Registry backup using Registry Editor on Windows 11

To fix Registry problems by restoring the database, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the backup will restore, replacing the current database.

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