PowerRename is an option that will appear in the context menu for advanced bulk renaming using simple search and replace or regular expression matching. While you type in the search and replace input fields, the feature will show you a preview of the items that you’ll rename. In addition, you can clear each specific item to include or exclude from the operation in the preview area.  If you’re not familiar, back on the Windows 95 era, PowerToys was a useful tool designed to further customize the experience, and the tool is back to improve the Windows 10 experience. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to use the PowerToys PowerRename feature to batch rename files on Windows 10.

How to rename group of files on Windows 10

If you’re not conformable using command to batch rename files, you’ll need to install PowerToys to access the PowerRename feature. 

Installing PowerToys

To install the latest version of the PowerToys for Windows 10, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, PowerToys will install on your device enabling the PowerRename feature. PowerToys installation

Renaming group of files

To batch rename a bunch of files on Windows 10, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the files you selected will change to the name you specified. PowerRename context menu option Batch rename files using PowerRename

Use Regular Expressions: If checked, the Search field will be interpreted as a regular expression. If not clear, the field will be used as a text to be replaced with the text in the Replace field. Case Sensitive: The text specified in the Search field will only match text in the items if the text is the same case. Match All Occurrences: All matches of the text in Search field will be replaced with the Replace text. Exclude Files: Files will not be included in the operation. Exclude Folders: Folders will not be included in the operation. Exclude Subfolder Items: Items within folders will not be included in the operation. Enumerate Items: Appends a numeric suffix to file names that were modified in the operation. For example: foo.jpg -> foo (1).jpg. Item Name Only: Only the filename portion (not the file extension) is modified by the operation. Ex: txt.txt -> NewName.txt. Item Extension Only: Only the file extension portion (not the file name) is modified by the operation. For example: txt.txt -> txt.NewExtension.

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