What this all mean to users? It means that users will be more in control to which Google Ads they want to see when they visit a website, do a Google search, or in ads that appear in Gmail and discard or block those ads that users don’t feel are interesting. Additionally, users will now know why they are getting certain ads that some times don’t make sense. Before you make the decision to block Google Ads, you should consider that the search giant uses varies information to personalized and improve the delivery of ads, and by blocking and/or opting out you will still get ads, but they will not be relevant.

Do the following to block Google ads:

First do a search in Google, like you would normally do, then a new link will appear in the top-right corner of the ad block, called “Why this ad?”, click this link; then click the Ads Preferences Manager link.

In this new Google’s Ads Preferences Manger, you can read and learn more about the advertiser and if you don’t find ads helpful, you can click the Block link next to the advertiser name. Now Google will not longer show ads from this particular advertiser.

Do the following to unblock Google ads:

You can always unblock advertisers by going to the Blocked advertisers section and clicking the Unblock link next to the advertiser name.

How to Opt out for targeted ads

Google also let you Opt out, if you don’t want to see any personalized ads from delivered by the search company. You can do this by visiting the Opt out section and clicking the Opt out button.

Stop Google from using your browsing behavior to deliver ads

Finally you can visit the Ads on the web page where you can control how Google categorize your browsing behavior to deliver related and interesting ads. You can do this editing the categories that are stored as an advertising cookie in your web browser. You can also “unsubscribe” to this method of Google Ads delivery by clicking the Opt out button, then Google will disable the cookie and it will not longer use interest and demographic information in your web browser — just make sure you read and understand what you are doing.

One thing to keep in mind is that not everyone is seeing this option yet, Google is rolling out this option slowly; but in the coming weeks it will be ready, so if you don’t see the option just give it some time.

Watch this video to learn more about Google’s Ads Preferences Manger

This video will answer the question as how the search giant uses your information to personalized the deliver of ads. Also in the video the company notes that the more it knows about you, the less ads you get.

In my opinion this new way for Google to be more transparent is a big step to show to the world that the direction is not to hide anything to the end-user. And this is also a good news for those many users concerned about their privacy on how the search company uses their information. Now, what do you think about the new Google approach on giving the user “greater transparency and choice”? — Leave your thoughts in the comment section.


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