Though, you may use another web browser for your daily internet fix, the modern version of IE is the best experience to browse the net on tablets and other devices with touch, as such if you miss the touch first version of the most popular web browser, you can get it with a little help of a Powershell script. The script was created by @adamUCF, you can download it here. Once you download it, change the file extension to .ps1, right-click and open it with Powershell. Also don’t forget to set IE as your default web browser, for everything to work. It’s worth noting that this procedure isn’t documented or supported by Microsoft, and it’s not the most appropriate way to bring back the modern version of Internet Explorer. However, it works, and you’ll be happy you did, if for example, you are running Windows 10 in your Surface Pro 3. SEE ALSO: How to safely test drive Windows 10 Technical Preview If it works or it doesn’t, share your experience in the comments. Update: It seems that you have to run the script every time you want to open the modern version of Internet Explorer 11, as such keep the .ps1 file close to you, perhaps in the desktop. Source @adamUCF All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.