Originally, the default option was Better performance, which offered faster speeds, but to remove the device safely, you needed to use the safely remove hardware process to prevent data loss. Starting with version 1809 (source Microsoft via ZDNet), Windows 10 is making the Quick removal the default option that prevents data loss as you disconnect the drive, but it reduces performance. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to change the setting when disconnecting with an external storage on Windows 10.

How to set removal policy for storage on Windows 10

To specify the policy to remove an external storage from Windows 10, use these steps: Although “Quick Removal” is the new default option, Microsoft still recommends to use the “Better performance” option to improve speeds and prevent data loss. USB drive settings on Disk Management

Quick removal (default): The device is always ready to removal, meaning that you can unplug an external storage without the need to use the option to safely remove the hardware from the taskbar. The caveat using this option is that Windows 10 disables the cache disk writing feature, which can impact performance of the drive. Better performance: When selected, the performance of the drive will improve as Windows 10 uses its cache disk writing feature to transfer data to the drive. The only downside is that you’ll have to use the safely remove hardware process to properly disconnect the drive.

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