Typically, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) supplies this configuration automatically to make connecting to your favorite websites and services easier. However, many other DNS resolvers on the internet are faster, more reliable, better in privacy, and more secure. Some of them include  Cloudflare, Google, and Cisco. If the current DNS servers are slow and unreliable or don’t trust your ISP system, you can change the DNS addresses on Windows 11 in at least four ways using Command Prompt, PowerShell, Settings, and Control Panel. In this guide, you will learn how to change the DNS servers on Windows 11.

Best DNS servers for Windows 11 Change DNS servers on Windows 11 from Command Prompt Change DNS servers on Windows 11 from PowerShell Change DNS servers on Windows 11 from Settings Change DNS servers on Windows 11 from Control Panel

Best DNS servers for Windows 11

Cloudflare, OpenDNS, and Google are among the best companies that offer fast, reliable, and secure resolvers. However, you can always use any service you want.

Cloudflare DNS addresses

Google Public DNS addresses

OpenDNS by Cisco DNS addresses

Change DNS servers on Windows 11 from Command Prompt

The quickest way to change the DNS servers on Windows 11 is using Command Prompt, even though typing commands isn’t for everyone. To change the DNS address with Command Prompt, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, you can use the ipconfig /all command to confirm the new configuration.

IPv4 DNS Servers

In the command, change Ethernet1 with the name of your adapter and with the DNS server address for the service you want to use. You can also specify the address for the local DNS server (if applicable). In the command, change Ethernet1 with the name of your adapter and with the preferred alternate DNS server address.

Change DNS servers on Windows 11 from PowerShell

You can also use the NetTCPIP module with PowerShell to manage the DNS server settings on Windows 11. To change the DNS address with PowerShell, use these steps: After you complete the steps, you can test the new configuration using this guide. After running the command, note the following information: 

InterfaceIndex DNSServer

(Optional) If you need to set a secondary DNS server address, you can use the same command but add a comma and append the second address: In the command, change the InterfaceIndex number with the one corresponding to your network adapter, and change ServerAddresses with the DNS address.

Change DNS servers on Windows 11 from Settings

If typing commands isn’t for you, the Settings app is the best method to change the DNS servers. You can even easily configure DNS over HTTPS (DoH), which offers more privacy and security using encryption for in and out DNS traffic from your computer. To change the Windows 11 DNS address with Settings, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the computer will continue to use a dynamic network address configuration, but it’ll now use the static DNS servers you specified.

Change DNS servers on Windows 11 from Control Panel

Alternatively, it’s still possible to use Control Panel to change the DNS settings on Windows 11. To change the DNS address of Windows 11 with Control Panel, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, you can use services like the DNS leak test to confirm the new configuration. 

When using Control Panel, you can specify any DNS server on Windows 11, but you won’t be able to enable DNS over HTTPS. Whatever method you use, make sure to use the correct IP address for the DNS server. Otherwise, you won’t be able to connect to the internet. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.