If you want to make each drives more identifiable, Windows 10 allows you to change the drive label to make it more descriptive and easier to find in File Explorer (other than “Local Disk” and “New Volume”). You can use up to 32 characters or up to 11 characters for drives using NTFS or FAT file systems respectively. In this guide, you’ll learn four different ways to change the label name of the hard drive on Windows 10.

Change drive label using File Explorer Change drive label using Properties Change drive label using PowerShell Change drive label using Command Prompt

Change drive label using File Explorer

To change the drive label on Windows 10, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the new label will be reflected on the hard drive. File Explorer rename drive label option Change drive label name

Change drive label using Properties

To rename drive from the Properties setting, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the new name will appear on the drive. Drive properties option Change drive label

Change drive label using PowerShell

To set a new drive name with PowerShell, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the new label will be reflected on the drive. List drives with PowerShell In the command, make sure to change DRIVE-LETTER and NEW-LABEL for the drive letter and label you want to use (see step No. 3). For example, this command renames the drive C to Windows: Change drive label with PowerShell

Change drive label using Command Prompt

To change the name of a drive with Command Prompt, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the drive will be renamed. If you’re having trouble using this command because the drive appears locked, then use the PowerShell steps. Quick tip: If you already know the letter of the drive you want to rename, you can skip to step No. 6.  List drives with Command Prompt In the command, make sure to change DRIVE-LETTER and NEW-LABEL for the drive letter and label you want to use (see step No. 4). For example, this command renames the drive C: to Windows: Change drive label with Command Prompt All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.