If you must run a script on Windows 11 (or 10), you can change the execution policy for the local computer, current user, or session. When you set a PowerShell execution policy for the local computer and current user, the information will be stored in the Registry. If you set the policy for a particular session, the policy will be held in memory and then lost when you close the session. According to Microsoft, the execution policy doesn’t restrict the action. You can always bypass the policy by typing the script in the command-line interface (CLI). The execution policy has been designed to help users to prevent running malicious scripts. This guide will teach you how to change the execution policy to run scripts successfully on PowerShell on Windows 11 or 10.

Change PowerShell execution policy on Windows 11

To change the PowerShell execution policy on Windows 11 (or 10), use these steps: Once you complete the steps, you can execute the script one more time, and it should now run successfully on Windows 11. If you no longer want to allow scripts to run on your computer, you can run the optional command mentioned in the steps.

If you want to change the execution policy to run scripts for the current user or local computer, you need to use the “Scope” option like this: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser or Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine. On Windows 11, you can choose from four different execution policies to allow or deny scripts:

Restricted — blocks any script from running. RemoteSigned — allows scripts created on the computer. However, scripts created on another device won’t run unless they have a trusted signature. AllSigned — allows all scripts to run. However, only if a trusted publisher has included a signature. Unrestricted — runs any script without restrictions.

You don’t need to change the execution policy if you need to run a script that does not have the required parameters and does not return output. Instead, you can use the PowerShell.exe -File “FILENAME” -ExecutionPolicy Bypass command to bypass the restrictions. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.