Although using a static IP address is recommended for devices that provide services to network users, as its configuration never changes, it may come a time when you may no longer need this configuration, and a dynamically assigned network configuration will be more suited. If you use a static IP address and need to switch to a dynamic configuration, it’s possible to perform this task in several ways, including using the Settings app, Control Panel, Command Prompt, and even PowerShell. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to remove a static IP address configuration to obtain a dynamic configuration from the DHCP server on Windows 10.

Change to dynamic IP address (DHCP) from Settings Change to dynamic IP address (DHCP) from Command Prompt Change to dynamic IP address (DHCP) from PowerShell Change to dynamic IP address (DHCP) from Control Panel

Change to dynamic IP address (DHCP) from Settings

To enable DHCP to obtain a TCP/IP configuration automatically on Windows 10, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the networking stack configuration will reset, and your device will request an IP address from the DHCP server (usually your router).

Change to dynamic IP address (DHCP) from Command Prompt

To switch from a static TCP/IP configuration to a dynamically assigned configuration using DHCP with Command Prompt, use these steps: After completing the steps, the network adapter will stop using a static IP address, and it’ll obtain a configuration automatically from the DHCP server.

In the command, make sure to change “Ethernet1” for the adapter’s name that you want to configure.

Change to dynamic IP address (DHCP) from PowerShell

To remove a static IP and DNS addresses to use a dynamic configuration using PowerShell, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the IP and DNS addresses will be reset from the adapter, and your computer will receive a new dynamic configuration from DHCP.

In the command, make sure to change “Ethernet0” for the adapter’s name that you want to configure. In the command, change “3” for the InterfaceIndex for the adapter to configure.

Change to dynamic IP address (DHCP) from Control Panel

To configure a network adapter to use a dynamic IP address using Control Panel, use these steps: After completing the steps, the statically assigned TCP/IP configuration will no longer be available, and the computer will automatically request a dynamic network configuration from the network.

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