Regardless of the reason, you can resize a partition on Windows 11 without reformating or losing your files using the Settings app, Disk Management, Command Prompt, and PowerShell. When using these tools, you can change the size of any partition, including the “C,” or the partition on any drive, including those from an external location. In this guide, you will learn the steps to shrink and extend the size of a partition on Windows 11.

Change partition size on Windows 11 Change partition size with Disk Management on Windows 11 Change partition size with Command Prompt on Windows 11 Change partition size with PowerShell on Windows 11

Change partition size on Windows 11

On Windows 11, you can use the “Disks & volumes” settings to shrink or expand a partition on the hard drive without losing data. To change the size of a partition on Windows 11, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the system will change the partition size without losing data to reflect the specified setting.

You can also use third-party tools like GParted to change the size or move the partition to a different section on the physical hard drive.

Change partition size with Disk Management on Windows 11

Using the legacy Disk Management tool is the easiest way to shrink or expand the partition size on Windows 11.

Shrink partition

To shrink a partition on Windows 11 with Disk Management, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the partition will reduce to the specified size.

Extend partition

To increase (or extend) the drive partition size using Disk Management, use these steps: After completing the steps, the drive partition will extend to the specified size.

If the “Extend volume” option is greyed out, the physical drive doesn’t have any space to increase the volume.

Change partition size with Command Prompt on Windows 11

It’s also possible to change the partition size without losing data on Windows 11 using the DiskPart tool with Command Prompt.

Shrink partition

To shrink a partition with Command Prompt on Windows 11, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, DiskPart will reduce the size of the partition to the new smaller size. In the command, change “2” for the number representing the partition you want to modify.

In the command, change “7099” for the amount (in megabytes) you want to shrink the partition.

Extend partition

To increase the drive partition size with DiskPart, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the partition will extend to the new size without losing your data. In the command, change “2” for the number that represents the partition to modify. In the command, change “20480” for the amount (in megabytes) you want to increase the partition.

Change partition size with PowerShell on Windows 11

Alternatively, you can also Change partition sizes using PowerShell commands.

Shrink partition

To resize a partition with PowerShell, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, PowerShell will shrink the partition, leaving additional unallocated space to create additional volumes. In the command, change “2” for the number of the drive with the partition to shrink. In the command, change the disk and partition number corresponding to your situation. Also, the SizeMin and SizeMax are specified in bytes, which means that you may need to use an online converter to understand the information in gigabytes or any other size.

In the command, replace the partition number and size for the information corresponding to your drive and the size to shrink the drive. Also, we’re using GB, but you can also specify the space in bytes, KB, MB, and TB

Extend partition

To extend the partition size with PowerShell, use these steps: After completing the steps, the partition will cover the available space or the specified amount. In the command, change “2” for the drive number with the partition you want to extend. In the command, change the disk and partition number corresponding to your situation. In the command, replace the partition number and size for the information corresponding to your drive and the size to increase the partition.

In the command, replace the disk and partition number for the information that corresponds to your situation. Also, to specify the new size of the partition, use the SizeMax number available in step No. 4. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.