If the wireless connection has a weak password, no password, or default password, the network will become vulnerable to unauthorized access, allowing others to use your internet without your consent. Or it could also allow malicious individuals to access the network to steal your information. The best way to protect your Wi-Fi network is to change the security key on the access point or router to something easy for you to remember but complicated for anyone else to guess. In this guide, you will learn the steps to change the Wi-Fi network password on your router and the steps to reconnect a Windows 10 device to the internet.

Change WiFi network password on router Change WiFi network password on Windows 10

Change Wi-Fi network password on router 

Use the following steps to change the Wi-Fi password on your home router (or access point): Once you complete the steps, the wireless network will now be accessible with the new password. This means that previously configured devices will need to reconnect with the new password to access the internet. Router Wi-Fi settings

Change Wi-Fi network password on Windows 10

Use the following steps to reconnect the device to the Wi-Fi network: After you complete the steps, the Windows 10 device will now connect to the network and internet. Windows 10 change Wi-Fi password Although the dashboard to update your network settings will be different per-manufacturer and even per-device model, the idea is always the same. Sign in to the network device, find the wireless settings, update the security key, and reconnect devices. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.