These past weeks, I have been covering many things about  Windows 8, such as how to install the Windows 8 in a virtual machine, how to dual-boot the new operating system with Windows 7, and others like how to bring back the Windows 7 classic Start menu with just one click; this week I came across with a small portable application called Windows 8 Start Tweaker. This is a simple but really useful application that allows you to change the background color of the logon and new Metro Start Screen background image with a couple of clicks. Once you open the application, it will display your current default color and image, in this case the green background color for the logon and the also green background image for the Start screen –Oh! The application is not in English by default, don’t forget to click in the USA flag before start –. You can change one or both settings, just click on the image Metro Background Image or Metro Background color to change the defaults.

When you are done, click Apply, log off and log back in to see the new logon screen color and the new Start screen background image.

Windows 8 Start Tweaker allows the use of JPG, PNG, BMP, and GIF image file formats.

In some other info about Windows 8 Start Tweaker, this is an application written in C++ WTL, it is a 103kb download, you don’t need to install it, it is portable, and it only works for Windows 8 Developer Preview release.

Download Windows 8 Start Tweaker

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