If you have to check the computer’s specifications, Windows 11 lets you complete this task in at least four ways using the Settings app, System Information, Command Prompt, and PowerShell. This guide will show you how to find your computer’s specifications on Windows 11.

Check computer specs on Windows 11 Check computer specs from System Information Check computer specs from Command Prompt Check computer specs from PowerShell

Check computer specs on Windows 11

To check system specs on Windows 11, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, you will find the basic specs of your computer, including the processor, the total amount of memory, the system type, and the version of Windows 11.

Check computer specs from System Information

To check the computer specs with System Information, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the app will reveal virtually every system specification, including information about the processor, memory, BIOS, manufacturer, and more. If you open the “Display” tab from the “Components” section, you will also find information about the graphics card installed on the computer.

Check computer specs from Command Prompt

To find the device specifications with Command Prompt, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the command will list all the hardware and software specifications.

Check computer specs from PowerShell

To check the specs on Windows 11 with PowerShell, use these steps: After completing the steps, PowerShell will create a list with your computer’s hardware and software information.

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